Home Seminars 2018 Kellogg Seminars

2018 Kellogg Seminars


Date Speaker

Special Kellogg Seminar
Wednesday, January 17
4:00 p.m.
469 Lauritsen

"Fundamental Neutron Physics at the ILL"
Peter Geltenbort, Institut Laue-Langevin

Special Kellogg Seminar
(joint seminar with William Bennet Munro History Seminar Series in Humanities)
Wednesday, February 21
4:00 pm.
110 Dabney Hall

"Science, Technology and Utopias.  Women Artists and Cold War America"
Christine Filippone, Associate Professor, Millersville University

Special Kellogg Seminar
Tuesday, February 27
4:00 p.m.
469 Lauritsen

"Tests of Fundamental Symmetries with Neutrons"
Leah Broussard, Oak Ridge National Laboratory


By studying the neutron, we can gain insight into the fundamental laws describing the particles and interactions in nature.  The neutron's properties depend upon the presence of symmetries which form the basis for the Standard Model.  A nonvanishing electric dipole moment of the neutron could signal a new source of charge-conjugation and parity symmetry violation, which is currently too small to explain the lack of antimatter in the universe.  Further, the beta decay of the neutron is an excellent system to study the parity-violating nature of the weak interaction, and is sensitive to new physics beyond the Standard Model.  This presentation will introduce you to two high-sensitivity experiments which will test these symmetry violations and provide a unique probe of particle physics separate from high energy collider experiments.


Special Kellogg Seminar
Tuesday, March 6
4:00 p.m.
469 Lauritsen

"Peeking beyond the Standard Model: Muon g-2, Neutrino Mass Scale, and Free Neutron Decay"
Martin Fertl, University of Washington

Special Kellogg Seminar
Monday, March 19
4:00 pm
469 Lauritsen

"Searches for New Physics at the Edge of Absolute Zero"
Jonathan Ouellet, MIT


Why is there something in the universe instead of nothing?

What is the nature of the so-called Dark Matter that constitutes some 85% of the matter content of the universe?

These are two questions that each bring together physics on the largest of observable scales with the behavior of particles on the smallest of scales. Why matter formed and what caused it to cluster and form the galaxies and stars that we see in the universe are among the most fundamental open questions in physics today. And the answers may lie in understanding the breakdowns of the Standard Model. In this talk I will discuss the search for Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay | a lepton number violating decay that may shed light on the matter-antimatter asymmetry of the Universe | and describe the CUORE experiment, which searches for this decay. I will also discuss the search for Axion Dark Matter, and a new experiment that we are building at MIT to discover it, called ABRACADABRA.

Special Kellogg Seminar
Monday, April 23
4:00 p.m.

"Searching for dark matter with the XENON1T experiment"
Laura Baudis, University of Zurich,

Special Joint Kellogg/HEP Serminar
Monday, November 26
4:00 pm
469 Lauritsen

"Possibility of new CP-violating interactions"
Kaori Fuyuto, University of Massachusetts


Baryon asymmetry is one mystery in our Universe. As pointed out by Sakharov, CP violation is necessary for producing the asymmetry. Therefore, CP-violating phenomena are closely linked to this mystery. This talk will focus on CP-violating interactions in several extensions of the Standard Model: leptoquark, dark photon, and effective field theory, and discuss their possibilities taking into account current experimental constraints.