Date |
Lecture |
Reading |
H.W. Assigment |
Assignment Due |
1/7, 1/9 | Classical Failure, Old QM Theory | Chap. 1 | HW1: BP1, SP1 & SP1.5 | HW1 Due Wed 1/15 |
1/14, 1/16 |
Schrodinger Eqn, Infinite Square Well, Harmonic Oscillator |
Chap. 2.1-2.3 (skip 2.3.1 - too Mathy) |
HW2: BP2, SP2, SP3 |
HW2 Due Mon 1/20 |
1/21, 1/23 | Free Particle, Delta Function, Finite Well | 2.4, 2.5.2/2.6 -- bound states only | HW3: BP3 |
HW3 Due Mon 1/27
Q1 out Mon 1/27 |
1/28, 1/30 | Scattering in 1D & Tunnelling | 2.5.1, 2.5.2/2.6 -- scattering only | HW4: BP4, SP4 |
HW4 Due 2/3 Q1 Due Thur 1/30 |
2/4, 2/6 | Postulates of QM, Observables, Dirac Notation, Intro to Commutators | 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.62 | HW5: BP5, SP5 | HW5 Due Mon 2/10 |
2/11, 2/13 | Commutators, HUP, Basis States, 3D-QM | 3.4, 3.5, 3.61, 3.63, 4.1 | HW6: BP6 |
HW6 Due Mon 2/17
Q2 Out Mon 2/17 |
2/18, 2/20 |
Hydrogen Atom, Orbital Angular Momentum |
4.2, 4.3 |
HW7: BP7, SP6 |
HW7 Due Mon 2/24 Q2 Due Mon 2/20 |
2/25, 2/27 |
Spin Angular Momentum |
4.4 (can skip most of 4.4.3, but Ex. 4.5 is useful) | HW8: BP8 |
HW8 Due Mon 3/3 |
3/4, 3/6 |
2-Particle States, Entanglement |
5.1 | HW9: BP9 | HW9 Due Mon 3/10 |
3/11 |
Computing with QM |
Handouts | Final | |
3/17-3/19 |
Finals Week |
Fri 3/19: Final Due |
Textbook for Phys 12b:
David Griffiths, Introduction to Quantum Mechanics, 3rd Ed.
BP problems refers to "Book Problems" from Griffiths.
SP problems refers to "Special Problems" from previous year's midterm or final exams.